Adele Cutler

Adele Cutler

PR Director
Adele’s role is primarily focused on PR, providing the UK’s travel and wildlife media with an unrivalled selection of Africa editorial opportunities using Kamili’s wide range of partners.

She has been responsible for sending numerous journalists and photographers to Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa, Malawi, Swaziland and Tanzania in her recent months! Adele is also the Contributing Editor for our magazine, ‘Safari News’.

Adele has over 10 years marketing experience and joined Kamili in September 2012, where she has made an incredible impact. She is married with 7-year old twin sons who are already begging Mum to take them on their first ever African safari!

Favourite Animal : Lion
Favourite Bird : Shoebill stork
Best Wildlife Encounter : Mountain Gorillas
Best Cultural Experience : Iby’Iwacu cultural village in Rwanda (great fun!)
Most wants to see : A lion kill!
Most wants to visit : Uganda
